Made weak by time and fate,
but strong in will;
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield.

Side Note:
The fork. or Also known as "A Dingle-hopper" Reminds me of one who not only had amazing hair (that I would pretend I had as I swam in our pool as a young girl) but also for me represents a young woman who loved learning about everything and anything. Who pushed past barriers and boundaries to find her place in this world. In this industry education is key and you are always always learning. Everyday! And with that requires perseverance to reach goals. The industry of beauty is all about testing, pushing and surpassing barriers and boundaries. This industry is truly SWEET!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


We've go scorpions in our rental. Bran killed one yesterday in our room and poor Brock got stung on his finger tonight. And 2 weeks ago when Bran was at scout camp I killed one in my bathroom. I hate hate hate hate hate!!!!!! these things!!!!! Any practical advice on how to get rid of them or at least to keep them outside? Please help!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I've been tagged again!

I promise no novel this time.
Rules: list 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions, and three random facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end.
3JOYS: My family (most of the time) Although my children and seriously giving me a
headache right now :P
My Awesome friends
My Ward & calling
3FEARS: Not being able to stay in our Ward. Which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! I do not want to
leave it.
My children getting lost or hurt ( And I don't mean scapping their knee, I mean
seriously, go to the hospital or have some sicko arrested hurt)
No work for Branden= an empty bank account=not being able to stay in our ward
3Goals: Having more Faith
Being more patient with my children
Getting something started with my Sugarjane bracelets
And I'm adding a very important #4 group of paying off credit cards and start our food
storage, and getting money back into our saving account.
3Current Obsessions: Flagstaff, I desperately want to run away to Flagstaff! Although it does
get hecka cold in the winter. Good excuse to buy some cozy Ugg boots
Monsoon storms, I love them!!! Rain makes me happy.
Sleeping, I've been so tired. It's hard work growing a baby.
3Random Facts: I don't think I have 3 random facts. Let's see what I can come up with.
I desperately need a new bed and we have only one sheetfor our bed set since
we've been married. 10 years in December.
I still have my wisdom teeth and their ruining my efforts of braces but getting
those things removed is expensive.
I really want lasik eye surgury, but I am so scared, plus you need moola for
Well, there it is. I tag, Amber, Mom, Kristy, Jenny and Michelle

Random Update

Ok, so I 've been really bad on the posting pictures thing. Mainly because we haven't done anything fun or particularly exciting, FOR REAL! So here are a few pics of our summer activites.
1st up is our 4th of July
The guys love playing basketball baseball. Here they are in action. Branson is up to bat.
James hitting a good grounder.
My nephew Kevin coming to steal my water from me.
When Branden and I were 1st dating he was 3. Everyone was surprised when he crawled up on my lap and wouldn't leave my side. Later, Branden asked him who he was sitting with, and he said "My girlfriend"
He is such a fun boy soon to be a guy. He's 14 now!
Here is some of the girls and kids watching the boys play. Left to right: Joe, Brock, Tori, Aaron, Kenna, Autumn, Emma, Denise, Izzy, Mariesa, Alyssa and Bridget.
Here is Bran in the outfield with Resbusha the cow.
Clay up to bat. Also, Branden and Criag waithing for their turn and Paul is pitching.
Cary, Emma nd Katlynn waiting with excitiment to see "High School the musical" at Gammage.
Shauna, Me and Denise. It's been a rough few months for Denise. She found out a few months ago that she has a cancer in her leg around her knee area. They know it's Cancer but they are unsure exactly what kind. She's had to go through getting her bone marrow tested which is very painful. She also had a full body scan but there is no word on the results yet. She just started Chemo this week. She's a tough girl and but we are all praying lots and lots for her!
So here is Brock, being MOODY. He's been that way a lot lately. We think it's because he has a lot to say but no way to get it out. Most likely he has a desire to tell us whats what! But, he hasn't even said "Mama" or " Dada" yet. Crazy boy.
On Sunday he decided he wanted to go up onto the stand and see the Bishop and his councilors. I caught him right before he ran up the stairs. Of course as soon as I picked him up, he threw himself back and screamed at the top of his lungs! I couldn't go out the side door that was right by me because it's the stake offices, so I had to carry him to the side main doors, with him screaming and flailing his arms and legs all the way.
So fun!
There is a reason why we call him "Trouble" He is just crazy and full of this rough and tough attitude. Except when he's hungry, then he crys and crys and crys. He wants to eat every hour it seems.
Speaking of eating. In May we had an awesome enrichment night called the "Bread of life" Chef Brad Peterson came and taugh us how to make homemade bread. He also talked with us the importance of being able to know how to make bread, and how it really can bring a family together. He also promised us that if we would cook int he kitchen with our husbands, that our marraiges would be strengthened. Well, Bran and I do cook together, but we've never baked.
So anyways, I am scared of using yeast, ( had a tramatic excperience in the past when attemptin cinnimon rolls.)
But after learning at enrichment night and feeling the truth that was behind what chef Brad said, I was determined to make bread, that was not only edible but really good!
Come to find out, Branden worked with Chef Brad at a place called Stradlings that sold cooking supplies, bread and they also did classes when he was in high school.
And come to think of it, Branden has bragged a few times since I've known him that he could make bread, yet he never proved it. So here was his chance and this is our 1st loaf of bread that we made together. And it was edible and very very YUM-O!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hey, Ya you!

Ok, I gotcha back on my list. I just high jacked your blog name from Britt's blog. I hope camping was great for you and you're doing super. You guys need to come down and visit! We'd love it!
Lot's of love

Hey Trishers, how are you doing! You guys should come visit too! So fun it would be!! So do you know for sure it's a girl or are you going to be surprised? I'm way excited. I tell everyone who knows you! Ok, that's not a ton on my end. But Mariesa thought it was very cool!
Love you!

To the rest of you wonderfuls...... I love you all!!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I accidently deleted you off my list! Could you email me your blog address again? Thank you:D

Love you!